The Impact Center

Organizations & Teams

Custom Solutions for Organizations & Teams

Several people are seated at a conference table with laptops, facing a speaker who is standing at the front by a whiteboard with a marker.

Organizations & Teams


Effective leadership and strong teams are the core of a high-performing organization. We help individuals hone their leadership and management skills, which in turn improves their organizations.


Two people sitting at a desk smile at one another. They are holding pens and both have an open notebook in front of them.

Executive Coaching

Meet one-on-one with a coach to navigate challenges and grow as a leader. We’ll help you identify strengths, create a plan, test out strategies for change, and receive feedback.

Learn more: Executive Coaching

A group of people are seated at a conference table with laptops.

Team Facilitation Sessions

Build cohesiveness in new teams or address strategic challenges to optimize delivery on their objectives. We help teams implement best practices for efficient and cohesive collaboration.

A person smiles in front of a desk where colleagues are working.

Leadership Capacity

Build and strengthen the capacity of leaders to successfully navigate change, meet challenges and deliver results in furtherance of their organizations’ goals and objectives.

A person sits at a desk in front of an open laptop.

Strategic Planning

Identify your strategic opportunities and priorities. We will work with you to develop an implementation plan.

Two colleagues sitting at a desk high-five.

Management Workshops

Grow the management skills of executives and their teams to meet cross-divisional operational challenges and implement plans. We offer trainings tailored to your organizational needs.

Several people sit at a conference table. They are looking toward the head of the table.

Board Development

Strengthen the relationship between your organization’s board and executive team. We can facilitate full retreats or offer ongoing support. Our team will use best practices to align board resources with organizational goals.

Looking back on all the disruption and positive changes that have occurred over the past year, it’s hard to imagine that we could have succeeded without partnering with The Impact Center.
— Tamera Kohler, Executive Director, Regional Task Force on the Homeless

We believe that a vision is only as powerful as the leader who dreams it; we help leaders achieve their visions. Celebrate with us these leaders who have answered the call of “what’s next.”